
Welcome to the internship blog for the Parkside Financial Bank & Trust Summer Interns.

Learn more about this Parkside’s internship program here.

Get to Know Our 2023 Interns

Get to Know Our 2023 Interns

 Jessie Deutschmann

University of Tennessee–Knoxville

LinkedIn Profile

Do you know where you hope to be in your future post college?

I am excited to work in the Trust and Family Office division of the bank. Wealth Management is an area in finance that interests me. If possible, I am excited to witness the interactions and meetings between clients and employees. I am eager to explore various departments of Parkside's bank to find where I can best apply my talents and interests.

What part of this internship excites you the most?

I am excited to work in the Trust and Family Office division of the bank. Wealth Management is an area in finance that interests me. If possible, I am eager to witness the interactions and meetings between clients and employees. I am eager to rotate in multiple areas of Parkside's bank to find out where my skills and interest would be best utilized.

What would you like to achieve over the summer?

One thing that I want to achieve this summer is a higher-level understanding of finance vocabulary. Many of the employees often say works that seem foreign right now but will be in my everyday vocab soon and important for my future. I would also like to learn more about the Trust division of Parkside because it is not part of every bank.

Why did you choose to intern at Parkside?

I chose to intern at Parkside because it would give me the opportunity to rotate and learn about many areas in the finance industry. Since I am early in my college career, I still have time to decide what interests me the most. This internship is a great way to get exposure to many careers in finance and see what sparks my interest.

Is there anyone here you really hope to meet? Or a specific position you hope to learn most about?

If possible, I would love to meet a client and sit in on a meeting. I enjoy meeting new people, so getting to see the individuals that Parkside employees are helping would be interesting.

Graham Johnson

Miami University

LinkedIn Profile

Do you know where you hope to be in your future post college?

I hope to be working in wealth management or investment banking post-college, ideally, working with wealthy clients and their family members to manage their money for retirement, investments, inheritance, etc. I find monitoring market trends, making stock pitches, and running formulas fascinating to determine risk for ventures fascinating.

What part of this internship excites you the most?

Contrary to my answer to the first question, I am still very unsure what I want to do with my career. This internship offers unique insights into the main areas of finance that interest me the most. I am most looking forward to the TFO rotation and the commercial banking rotation, but also the weekly lunch and learns give me time to ask questions in a less formal setting and get to know more about the industry.

What would you like to achieve over the summer?

I would like to leave Parkside with the knowledge of where I want to take my career and a much larger network formed throughout the summer. I want to understand more about the commercial banking side of finance, as I already have a working knowledge of wealth management. Sitting in on meetings regarding banking information and understanding the method of distributing lines of credit and loans seems to me like the best way to absorb knowledge about commercial banking.

Why did you choose Parkside?

I chose Parkside because the initial job listing caught my eye, the Uncommon Internship. In most internships, they have a specific focus, such as data entry or auditing, but Parkside puts emphasis on several parts of the industry. As someone who does not know what to do with their career, Parkside can expose me to more than one career path and the culture built here has shown itself to be tight-knit and very collaborative. I value working with others, and Parkside has placed workplace and client relationships at the top of their values.

Is there anyone you want to meet or a specific position you want to learn about?

I would like to meet a client along with their advisor and see how the personal dynamic along with the professional dynamic works. Observing some strategies the advisor uses to foster client relationships, and the preparation taken before advising the client.

Cameron Thomas

Maryville University

LinkedIn Profile

Do you know where you hope to be in your future post college?

As of the current moment, I am still navigating the potential options of my post college career. What has been on my mind recently is the potential of working within athletics (Collegiate, professional, amateur, etc.) and learning the needs of those organizations and how to help keep them viable and growing from the financial side.

What part of this internship excites you the most?

I am most excited for learning about Trusts and the variations there are. Also, to experience and help with all the things I have been learning at school.

What would you like to achieve over the summer?

I would like to increase my knowledge in the finance industry, make valuable connections, and learn methods to identify key aspects that will change and alter the finance industry while learning how to navigate them.

Why did you choose to intern at Parkside?

I chose the opportunity to intern at Parkside because of the variety of exposure I would receive. Going through this program, I will get to learn about 3 different business segments and what they entail while working alongside the professionals who make it all work. Also, the fact that Parkside likes to evolve continuously and stay technologically relevant is attractive to me. The world is constantly changing and learning about how to navigate and recognize those signs and transitions is a skill and opportunity not available in many other financial industry internships.

Is there anyone you really hope to meet? Or a specific position you hope to learn the most about?

I want to meet with the Technology department and its leadership. I am interested in how they have navigated Parkside through integrating many technological advancements and the compliance they must adhere to. Also, if there are any methods or technologies they have pioneered for the industry or hope to integrate into Parkside in the future.

Anjali Yadav

University of South Carolina

LinkedIn Profile

Do you know where you hope to be in your future post college?

After graduating, I plan to work as a financial analyst; I’m not sure about any of the specifics. I don’t know where or who I want work for, but I aim to work for a financial firm for a few years and eventually start my own boutique financial firm.

What part of this internship excites you the most?

I’m excited about the rotational and mentorship aspects of this internship. As a rising junior, I’m not confident about what sector of finance I would like to work in post-graduation, and I believe Parkside’s rotational internship will help me figure this out. That’s what drew me to Parkside from the start. I’m excited to shadow my mentors and see firsthand what every day looks like for them.

What would you like to achieve over the summer?

There is a lot I’d like to achieve. I hope to build relationships with people who work in the office, learn to be a more professional writer and communicator, and discover what aspects of finance intrigue me. By achieving these things, I will set myself up for future personal and career success.

Why did you choose to intern at Parkside?

As touched upon earlier, I chose to intern at Parkside because of the rotational aspect of the program; I believe it will help me figure out what sector of finance I’d like to work in. Two other factors that influenced my decisions were the firm’s culture and location. Parkside interns love Parkside: the intern blog and two of my interviewers who started as interns and now work here full time made this clear to me. Also, as someone who was born in St. Louis, I love it here. My family moved to Raleigh, NC when I was 8, but many of my close family friends live here. I am ecstatic that this opportunity brought me back to spend a few months in a city that will forever be home to me.

Is there anyone here you really hope to meet?

My answer is simple- I hope to meet everyone. My goal is to interact with everyone who works in the St. Louis office and maybe even chat with a client. Our mentors have instructed us to take advantage of all the great people working here in the office and I intend to.

Or a specific position you hope to learn most about?

I’m excited to explore all the positions that Parkside offers. I know little about what it looks like working at a bank and want to soak it all in. That being said, wealth management is a title that catches my eye and I’m excited to learn more about what that entails.

Trust Rotation

Trust Rotation