Parkside’s Office Culture
The employees of Parkside were very friendly and easy to get to know immediately from the start of the internship program. Everyone genuinely wanted to help us with our projects and to get further in our careers. We were encouraged to wander and approach anyone in the office with questions or to have regular conversations. The reverse of that statement is true; people would seek us out daily to introduce themselves or have a friendly conversation about topics outside of Parkside. The sociability of the environment at Parkside is something we are all proud to have been a part of and hope to see replicated in future endeavors. Morning coffees at the City Crepery and impromptu conversations throughout the day allowed us to quicky become a part of the Parkside community.
Lunches with Mentors & Each Other
All the restaurants in Clayton we went to with each other and mentors.
Parkside is located in the middle of a hub of restaurants and beautiful buildings. We certainly took advantage of the fantastic food all around Clayton. On top of the Lunch N’ Learns, mentors in each department brought us out to lunch to get to know each other and the people outside the mentorship team. Beginning a new rotation comes with a certain degree of uncertainty, but the lunches during the first week of each rotation help with the transition, break the ice of meeting new people, along with giving us an understanding of how everyone made it to Parkside.
Parkside Culture Word Cloud
For our final project, we were assigned the challenge of formulating a strategy for a wealth management/commercial banking firm to effectively navigate and survive through a recession. During our presentation, we discussed the importance of company culture and how a strong one is essential to keep employees motivated during challenging times. This word cloud illustrates the essence of working at Parkside. Although we have experienced Parkside's incredible culture over the past 10 weeks, we wanted to get the opinions of more employees. To gain their insights, we conducted a survey, asking everyone to describe Parkside's culture in one word. We received responses from over 60 employees. With these answers, we created the word cloud above to depict what it is like to work at Parkside.